Our Services

We offer a range of services that integrate participatory engagement methods and gender equity drawing on international good practice guidance throughout the project or programme lifecycle

Environmental and Social Due Diligence / Reviews / Screening

Rise can support you with making investment decisions and establishing Environmental and Social Action Plans through ESDD and related assessments against international requirements (e.g. World Bank Environmental and Social Standards and International Finance Corporation Standards), including desk-based review and interviews covering a broad range of topics such as labour and working conditions, occupational and community health and safety, gender, security management, land acquisition and resettlement, indigenous peoples, cultural heritage, environmental issues.

Social and Gender Baselines & Community / Stakeholder Engagement

Baselines are important to measure the impact of a project or programme.  Rise can design and develop social and gender baselines for you using participatory techniques and surveys, depending on your needs.

Training & Capacity Development

Rise can offer training and guidance on the management of gender and social risk management and safeguards, including, but not limited to community/stakeholder engagement, resettlement, health and safety, security, Sexual and Gender-based Violence and Harassment (SGBV), and other related issues.


Social, Gender & Environmental Management

Management of E&S issues are key to managing risks to the community and company, including litigation, reputation, human rights and the environment.  Rise can support you in the development of Environmental and Social Management Plans and Systems, as well as in the development of Social Impact Assessments, as required, in line with international standards.  This includes the provision of monitoring support to review performance and enhance mitigation where needed.


Monitoring & Evaluation / Auditing

M&E is the most important part of any project that enables you to understand the success and challenges of implementation of projects or interventions.  Rise can undertake such assessment for you to ‘check in’ on progress and identify enhancement measures to meet project objectives.


Combining Gender & ESG - Gender Assessment, Gender Audits, Gender Management Systems & Safeguards (including GBVH/SEA), Gender Action Planning & Implementation Support

Gender mainstreaming and development of policy/procedures that aim to enhance gender equality in business (internally) and downstream beneficiaries (externally).  Includes developing practical Gender Development Plans and strategies drawing on 2X challenge benchmarks, developing policies and procedures, obtaining gender audits, training, capacity development, implementation support and monitoring.

Community Needs Assessment & Investment

If you are seeking to design a project or programme that targets communities then Rise can carry out a participatory and gender differentiated needs assessment to identify key sustainable interventions.  Such interventions could be in various sections such as livelihoods, water and sanitation, energy, health, education, and others.  Rise believes in community led programmes with a focus on training and monitoring to enable long lasting impacts.


Resettlement & Livelihood Restoration Support

Physical and / or economic displacement arising from projects is a highly sensitive and challenging process to manage.  Rise can work with you to develop a Resettlement/Livelihood Restoration Framework or Plan that provides sustainable solutions for managing such impacts on communities.  This includes, but is not limited to stakeholder/community engagement, socio-economic surveys, eligibility and entitlements and livelihood restoration strategies, monitoring and evaluation measures, using the World Bank Standards as a benchmark for such processes.
